Nail Polish Shades | Perfect For The Colder Months

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One thing I love about winter is all the seasonal colours. People tend to gravitate to warm berry and burgundy tones, deep navy blues, greys and blacks etc, whether it be clothes, make up or nails! As much as I love corals, pinks and pastel colours in the spring/summer, there is something I love about the darker shades that appear during the winter. I have been loving painting my nails with wintry shades, so I thought I would share some of my current favourites that I have been wearing throughout autumn and now winter. I may be keeping an eye out for some other shades such a dark forest green shade or a nice grey, because I clearly need more nail polishes (I don’t). You may see a theme with me and nail polishes, I love Barry M they are so affordable, they do an amazing range of shades and finishes and the formula and quality is amazing.

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I love this purple shade called ‘Plum’, it’s a lovely dark plum that almost looks black. Nail polishes like this are perfect if you don’t want to go for completely black nails but still want something fairly dark. Very deep burgundys are also great for that to, such as Barry M’s ‘Black Red’.

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This red shade is called ‘Red Wine’. What would my winter nail polish favourites be without a seasonal red within it! Red is such a timeless colour and is seen everywhere during christmas. If you fancy something a little deeper than a classic cherry red, this is a great choice.

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I am in love with this colour. The shade is called ‘Blue Grape’ and its a perfect true cobalt blue shade. I love how this looks on the nails, it’s so eye-catching and it’s not like any other blue I own. Its bright but I think its still very winter appropriate shade.

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This is my first ever matte nail polish and I was pleasantly surprised with the finish and colour, I wasn’t sure how I felt about matte nails before hand. This is in the shade ‘Crush’. Although it looks very similar in the bottle to the shade red wine mentioned earlier, it’s very different on the nails. It’s a lovely deep burgundy/maroon shade. This might be my favourite out of them all!

What are your favourite nail polish colours during the colder months? if you have any recommendations, feel free to leave them in the comments!


7 thoughts on “Nail Polish Shades | Perfect For The Colder Months

  1. Barry M nail varnishes are the best! (im actually wearing red wine now…). I love you’re choices I may pick up the matte shade when im in superdrug next…which is literally always. The candles in the background are also really pretty. 🙂 x

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